Special Meeting


Oakwood District Unit Office - Board Room

12190 U.S. Rt. 150, Oakwood, IL 61858


April 6, 2022

6:30 PM

Notice is hereby given by the Oakwood Community Unit School District No. 76 Board of Education, in the County of Vermilion, State of Illinois, that the Special Board Meeting for said School District for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021, will be held conveniently at the Oakwood District Unit Office - Board Room, 12190 U.S. Rt. 150, Oakwood, IL 61858 at 6:30 p.m. on the 6th day of April, 2022. Dated this 4th day of April, 2022 by the Board of Education of School District No. 76, in the County of Vermilion, State of Illinois.

BY: Erik Plotner

Oakwood CUSD No. 76

Board of Education - Secretary


  1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Pledge of Allegiance

  2. Public Participation (Comment) (BP 2:230), Recognition of Guests, Notices, and Communications 

  3. Consideration and Action on (Hiring is contingent upon successful completion of background checks.)

    1. (OGS) Recommendation to employ Jodie Atwood for the vacant position of sixth-grade teacher for the 2022-2023 school year.  She will begin on step 12 of the Master's Degree Schedule. 

  4. Adjourn to Executive Session for “Student Disciplinary Hearing”

    1. Return from Executive Session

  5. Actionable Item:  "Consider discipline or expulsion of student # 238808784”

  6. Motion to Accept Resolution for Expulsion

  7. Adjourn

 *This meeting was posted in compliance with the Open Meetings Act.


Unit 76 Mission Statement

“To educate each student in a safe learning environment, working in partnership with students, teachers, staff, parents, & community, towards a common goal of providing the students with tools to achieve academically, personally, and socially in a diverse and changing world.”