1. Approved Consent Agenda:  Minutes, Bills, Imprest & Activity Funds, Treasurer Report, Affirmed Resignation of Joe Hayworth (OHS English Teacher)
  2. Administrative & Informational Reports provided. See website of the agenda for details.
  3. Adopted the Board Press Plus Policy Online Updates.
  4. Approved the voluntary transfer of Amy Mackiewicz to the 10 month secretary position at OGS for next year. 
  5. Approved the Midwest Bus Transit renewal extension for the next two years.
  6. Discussion of the following reopening plan presented by Superintendent Maynard: 
    1. Recommendation to reopen our schools to all students Monday through Friday for all students and no longer have a remote day on Wednesday. This will include a start time of 8am and dismissal of 1:40/1:50 pm with the following slow entry plan; March 1st: Oakwood Grade School will reopen to all students. March 8th: Oakwood Junior High School will reopen to all students. March 15th: Oakwood High School will reopen to all students. 
    2. According to CDC guidelines, families still have the choice to have their child in a fully remote situation for the next 100 days. We will continue to adhere to the guidelines of self certifying, temperature taking, mask wearing, hand washing, and social distancing, where possible.  
    3. This recommendation will be voted on at the school board's request at the  February 17th board meeting. 
  7. Next Meeting will be on February 17, 2021

From the Board Room to the Classroom ~ Better Together!