Don't forget that 8th grade graduation pictures will be taken tomorrow morning.

Today's track practice has been cancelled.

Student Council visiting the Lincoln Tomb

Mike Hulvey speaks to our "sportscasting" enrichment class.

Here is how to get your yearbook!

Fred Kroner speaking to our "sports reporter" enrichment class

Look who showed up at the Oakwood Village Council meeting to share what they have been doing at Kickapoo State Park.

The track meet scheduled for today in Bismarck has been cancelled. There will be track practice at the Jr. High until 4:30.

The track scheduled for today (4/5/18) in Bismarck has been cancelled. There will be practice at the Jr. High until 4:30, and no practice tomorrow (Friday).

Today's track meet has been cancelled. There will be track practice until 4:30

Track practices will begin tomorrow. All athletes must have a physical on file with the office in order to practice.

Look who made the paper! Way to go Knights. https://goo.gl/73hTjK

Congratulations to the OJHS Students of the Month!

ICYMI: OJHS Spelling team wins the County Spelling Team Championship! Way to go Knights!

Congratulations to the Oakwood Knights for winning the County Spelling Team Competition.

Have you checked out our new website yet? You can also download our mobile app. www.oakwood76.org

Congratulations to the spelling team for advancing to the finals. They will compete in the finals on March 1 at DACC. #LetsGoKnights

The winners receive the "quacktastic" award. Congrats Dana & Josh

Finals of the OJHS badminton tournament.

Congrats to Ms Steelman for being Mix 94.5 teacher of the month. Way to go Ms Steelman.